The essay focuses on the acting style of Brigitte Bardot, whose legend – as Simone de Beauvoir said – «has been fed by her private life no less than by her film roles». Through the analysis of six Bardot’s performances, the article highlight the actor-character relationship and particularly the work the actress made with three directors: Henri-George Clouzot, Louis Malle and Jean-Luc Godard.
Alberto Scandola insegna Storia e critica del cinema presso l’Università di Verona. Ha pubblicato saggi su diversi autori tra cui Ingmar Bergman, Marco Bellocchio, Nanni Moretti, Bernardo Bertolucci e Luigi Comencini. Tra le sue monografie Roman Polanski (2003), Marco Ferreri (2004), Ingmar Bergman. Il posto delle fragole (2008) e Ornella Muti (2009). alberto.scandola@univr.it