Title The Thespian Oracle; Or, A New Key to Theatrical Amusements
Publishing Location London
Year 1791
Publisher J. Barker
Number of Pages in-12, 111
Publishing Country GBR
Publishing Language ENG

COMPLETE TITLE: The Thespian Oracle; Or, A New Key to Theatrical Amusements. Containing the New Prologues and Epilogues, with a Select Collection of those celebrated for their Wit, Humour, Beauty, and Entertainment. To which is added, a Collection of Soliloquies, &c. From the most admired Dramatic Performances: and an Introduction on Oratory and Acting, with Rules for acquiring the same.
Printed and Sold by J. Barker, Russell-Court, Drury-Lane. Sold also by J. Parsons, Pater-Noster-Row; R. Parsley, Surry Side of Black-Friars Bridge; J. Cattermoul, No. 376, Oxford-Street; and all other Booksellers.

The text repeats the notions found in other treatises on acting, stressing the importance of the voice and the figure, citing Quintilianus and reaffirming the importance of learning from nature. Because of the lack of any theoretical innovation, the interest of the text lies mostly in the selection of passages on which actors and orators can exercise.

In the same year The New Thespian Oracle; Containing Original Strictures on Oratory and Acting. And a Select Collection of all the Modern Prologues and Epilogues, Spoken at the Royal and private Theatres (see) was published.


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