Author Wright, Thomas
Title The Passions of the Minde. By Th. W.
Publishing Location London
Year 1601
Publisher Printed by Valentine Simmes for Walter Burre
Edition I
Number of Pages in-8, 336
Publishing Country GBR
Publishing Language ENG

Second edition: The Passions of the Minde in Generall. Corrected, enlarged, and with sundry New Discourses augmented. By Thomas Wright. With a Treatise thereto adioyning of the Clymatericall Yeare, occasioned by the Death of Queene Elizabeth, London, Printed by Valentine Simmes [and Adam Islip] for Walter Burre [and Thomas Thorpe] and are to be sold [by Walter Burre] in Paules Churchyard at the signe of the Crane, 1604. Compared to the first edition the second adds a new book (Book V) bringing the total to 352 pages.

The Passions of the Minde in Generall. In Six Bookes. Corrected, enlarged, and with sundry New Discourses augmented. By Thomas Wright, London, Printed by A[ugustine] M[athewes] for Anne Helme, and are to be sold at her Shop in Saint Dunstons Church-Yard in Fleetstreet, 1620  and 1621; London, Printed by Miles Flesher, and are to be sold by Robert Dawlman, 1630.
The edition of 1621 is described in the catalogs as "A variant of the edition dated 1620".

The Passions of the Minde in Generall by Thomas Wright. A Reprint based on the 1604 edition, with an introduction by Thomas O. Sloan, Urbana; London, University of IIlinois Press, 1971. The text is probably a reprint of the edition of 1630.

Reprint of the first edition: Hildesheim; New York, G. Olms, 1973.

The Passions of the Mind in General, by Thomas Wright: A Critical edition edited by William Webster Newbold, New York; London, Garland, 1986.


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