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COMPLETE TITLE: Orchesographie. Et Traicte en Forme de Dialogue, par lequel Toutes Personnes peuvent facilement apprendre et practiquer l'honneste exercice des dances. Par Thoinot Arbeau demeurant à Lengres.
Published under the pseudonym of Thoinot Arbeau (see), an anagram of Jean Tabourot. The privilege is dated November 22, 1588.
There is an undated edition presumed to be an earlier edition of 1588.
Online text: GALLICA - Transcription
Written in the form of a dialog between a dancing master and his student, the manual offers interesting information on behavior in collective dances and on the interaction between musicans and dancers and discusses an extensive number of late-Renaissance dances including the galliarde, pavane, volta, Morris dance (also called morisque), gavotte, allemande, courante. The text presents also a notation system that associates the music with the steps.
Orchesographie, metode, et teorie en forme de discours et tablature pour apprendre a dancer, battre le tambour ... par Thoinot Arbeau, Lengres, Iehan des Preyz, 1596.
Orchésographie, par Thoinot Arbeau. Réimpression précédée d'une notice sur les danses du XVIe siècle par Laure Fonta, Paris, F. Vieweg, libraire-éditeur, E. Bouillon et E. Vieweg, successeurs, 1888. Reprint of the edition of 1589.
Reprints of the edition of 1888:
- Bologna, Forni, 1969 and 1981. (Facsimile)
- Genève, Slatkine Reprints, 1970. (Facsimile)
Reprint of the edition of 1596: Genève, Minkoff Reprint, 1972, 1979, 1986, 2006. Preface by François Lesure. (Facsimile)
Reprints of the edition of 1589:
- Langres, Dominique Guéniot, 1988. (Facsimile)
- [Paris], Klincksieck, 1995. (Facsimile)
- Orchesography: a Treatise in the Form of a Dialogue whereby all Manner of Persons may easily acquire and practice the honourable Exercise of Dancing by Thoinoit Arbeau. Now first translated from the Original edition published at Langres, 1588, by Cyril W. Beaumont, with a Preface by Peter Warlock, London, C. W. Beaumont, 1925 (see).
- Orchesography: a Treatise in the Form of a Dialogue, whereby all Manner of Persons may easily learn and practise the honourable exercise of dancing by Thoinot Arbeau; Translated by Mary Stewart Evans, New York, Kamin Dance Publ., 1948 (see).
German: Orchesographie oder Abhandlung in Form von Gesprächen, durch welche alle Personen die ehrbare Ausübung des Tanzes leicht erlernen können von Thoinot Arbeau in Langres, in Die Tänze des XVI. Jahrhunderts und die alte französische Tanzschule vor Einführung der Menuett. Nach Jean Tabourot's Orchésographie herausgegeben von Albert Czerwinski Verfasser der Geschichte der Tanzkunst. Mit dem Portrait Thoinot Arbeau's, 34 Figuren in Holzschnitt und 72 Notenbeispielen und Tanzmelodien, Danzig, Selbstverlag des Verfassers, 1878 (see). |