The essay focuses on lacasadargilla, an Italian theatre group born in 2005. It is an extended ensemble which gathers around Lisa Ferlazzo Natoli – director, author and actress –, Alessandro Ferroni – director and sound designer –, Alice Palazzi – actress and project coordinator – and Maddalena Parise – researcher and visual artist; over the years, several actors, musicians, dramaturgs and visual artists have joined this original nucleus. Moving between original texts, literary adaptations and contemporary plays, lacasadargilla works on stage performances, installations, special projects and curatorships, using a method based on a collective writing. During the last two decades, the ensemble developed a personal research, creating ‘multimedial’ devices made of different expressive elements; in fact, reflecting from time to time on a text and its main themes, lacasadargilla realized productions based on the constant dialogue between theatre and other disciplines (cinema, musica, visual arts).
Mimma Valentino è assegnista di ricerca in Storia del teatro moderno e contemporaneo. È autrice di diversi saggi: L’affresco lirico di Mariangela Gualtieri e Cesare Ronconi («Acting Archives Review», 14, novembre 2017), Le ‘isole galleggianti’ del Terzo Teatro («Culture Teatrali», 27, 2018), Process and product in Italian Theatre («Eastap Journal», 2, maggio 2020), Per una cartografia del ‘nuovo’ a Napoli. Alcuni luoghi della sperimentazione artistica e teatrale negli anni Sessanta («Arabeschi», 19, 2022). Ha pubblicato i volumi Il Nuovo Teatro in Italia. 1976-1985 (Titivillus, 2015) e Dal teatro analitico-esistenziale alla nuova spettacolarità. Le rassegne (Terre Blu, 2023).