Jan Fabre's theater is an extraordinary stage machine, in which various languages coexist, with a prevalence of the visual and choreographic aspect. There are significant and continuous references to paintings, especially those of Mannerism. More specifically, Fabre’s way of arranging the bodies on the stage and more in general the setting is highly remindful of painters like Pontorno, Parmigianino or Rosso fiorentino. Not in terms of direct imitation but in the way of arranging and painting the scene. For this reason, in Fabre’s case one can speak of a contemporary Mannerism, whose goal is to achieve a special and violent type of beauty. His last production, Prometheus Landscape II, is an evident example of this way of arranging the scene. The play is a free re-elaboration of Aeschylus’s tragedy Prometheus is tied to a cross at the center of the scene for the entire length of the show. Around him, there are men and women dressed up as in fifteenthcentury Flemish painters who progressively enact an orgiastic action. The protagonist is fire in its various forms, as a material element and as a metaphor of an emotional state that engenders a series of extremely intense physical actions. Prometheus Landscape II is thus at the same time an extraordinary visual construction and a powerful theater of the body.
Christian Biet è Professore di Storia ed estetica del teatro all’Università di Parigi X – Nanterre ed è membro dell’Istituto universitario di Francia. Ha scritto : Œdipe en monarchie, tragédie et théorie juridique à l’Age classique, Klincksieck, 1994 ; Droit et littérature sous l’Ancien Régime, le jeu de la valeur et de la loi, Champion, 2002 ; Qu’est-ce que le théâtre ?, con Ch. Triau, Gallimard, coll. « Folio essais inédit», 2006 . E’ curatore di: Théâtre de la cruauté et récits sanglants (France XVIe-XVIIe siècle), coll. «Bouquins», Laffont, 2006 ; Théâtre et cinéma militants (1966-1981), Une histoire du spectacle militant (1966-1981 con Olivier Neveux, éditions L’Entretemps, 2007 ; Tragédies et récits de martyre (France, fin XVIe-début XVIIe siècle), con M.-M. Fragonard, Classiques Garnier, 2009.