Author Goudar, Ange  -  Goudar, Sara
Title Osservazioni sopra la musica, ed il ballo ossia Estratto di due lettere di Mr. G... a Milord P... Tradotte dal francese
Publishing Location Milano
Year [1773]
Publisher Gaetano Motta
Edition I
Number of Pages in-8, 110
Publishing Country ITA
Publishing Language ITA

YEAR: 1773: presumed date of publication.

Italian translation of De Venise: Remarques sur la musique & la danse, ou Lettres de Mr. G... à Milord Pembroke (see).

The translator writes he has omitted "many critical remarks found in the original, which concerned the personal matters of people and not theater" (p. 4). The cuts are mostly found in the first letter, on music. The modifications to the second letter, on dance, include the addition of a passage in praise of "Mrs. Viganò," probably Elisabetta Viganò, the first ballerina in the perfomances staged by Angiolini in Milan in 1773.

«Osservazioni sopra la musica ed il ballo», in La danza italiana, n. 5-6, autunno 1987, pp. 35-76. (Anastatic reprint)

The letters Sopra il ballo are in Carmela Lombardi (edited by), Il ballo pantomimo: lettere, saggi e libelli sulla danza (1773-1785), Torino, Paravia, 1998, pp. 25-46.


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