Author Lang, Franciscus
Title Dissertatio de actione scenica
Publishing Location Monachii; Ingolstadii
Year 1727
Publisher Riedlin; LaHaye
Edition I
Number of Pages 154
Publishing Country DEU
Publishing Language LAT

COMPLETE TITLE: Dissertatio de actione scenica, cum Figuris eandem explicantibus, et Observationibus quibusdam de Arte Comica. Auctore Francisco Lang Societatis Jesu. Accesserunt imagines symbolicae pro exhibitione & vestitu theatrali.

The first German treatise dedicated to acting.

German: Abhandlungen über die Schauspielkunst,  Bern und München, Francke Verlag, 1975 (see). Translation edited by Alexander Rudin. Contains, besides the German translation and commentary, the anastatic reproduction of the first edition of the treatise.

English: «An Essay on Stage Performance, A Translation of Franz Lang's Dissertatio de Actione Scenica (1727) by Alfred Siemon Golding», Performing Arts Resources, vol. 9, New York, Theatre Library Association, 1984 (see).


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