Author Title Year Country Language
Cibber, Theophilus The Lives and Characters Of the most Eminent Actors and Actresses of Great Britain and Ireland, from Shakespear to the Present Time 1753 GBR ENG
Marmontel, Jean-Francois Déclamation théâtrale 1753 FRA FRE
The Present State of the Stage, in Great-Britain and Ireland 1753 GBR ENG
Hill, Aaron An Essay on the Art of Acting 1753 GBR ENG
Hill, Aaron The Actor's Epitome 1753 GBR ENG
Hogarth, William The Analysis of Beauty 1753 GBR ENG
Conti, Armand de Bourbon (prince de) Trattato intorno alla Commedia e altri Spettacoli secondo la Tradizione della Chiesa 1753 ITA ITA
An Essay on the Stage; or, The Art of Acting. A Poem 1754 GBR ENG
Cahusac, Louis de La Danse Ancienne et Moderne ou Traité Historique de la Danse. Par M. de Cahusac, de l'Académie Royale des Sciences & Belles-Lettres de Prusse 1754 BEL FRE
Riccoboni, Luigi Des Herrn Ludewig Riccoboni Geschichte der italiänischen Schaubühne 1754 DEU GER
Hogarth, William Zergliederung der Schönheit 1754 DEU GER
Riccoboni, Luigi A General History of the Stage, from its Origin 1754 GBR ENG
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim Auszug aus dem Schauspieler des Herrn Remond von Sainte Albine 1754 DEU GER
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim Theatralische Bibliothek 1754-1758 DEU GER
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim Der Schauspieler 1754* DEU GER
Macklin, Charles The Art and Duty of an Actor 1754* GBR ENG
Pickering, Roger Reflections upon Theatrical Expression in Tragedy: With a proper Introduction, and Appendix 1755 GBR ENG
Bérard, Jean-Antoine L'Art du Chant, dedié à Madame de Pompadour par M. Bérard 1755 FRA FRE
Estève, Pierre Traité de la diction 1755 FRA FRE
Löwen, Johann Friedrich Kurzgefasste Grundsätze von der Beredsamkeit des Leibes 1755 DEU GER
Cibber, Theophilus An Epistle from Mr. Theophilus Cibber to David Garrick, Esq 1755 GBR ENG
Cibber, Theophilus Dissertations on Theatrical Subjects 1756 GBR ENG
Blanchet, Jean L'Art, ou Les Principes Philosophiques du Chant 1756 FRA FRE
Cibber, Theophilus Cibber's Two Dissertations on the Theatres. With an Appendix, in Three Parts 1756? GBR ENG
Cahusac, Louis de Geste 1757 FRA FRE
Diderot, Denis Entretiens sur Le Fils naturel 1757 NLD FRE
Tosi, Pier Francesco Anleitung zur Singkunst 1757 DEU GER
Diderot, Denis Dorval et moi 1757 NLD FRE
Charpentier, Louis Causes de la Decadence du Gout sur le Theatre 1758 FRA FRE
Dorat, Claude Joseph Essai sur la Déclamation Tragique, Poëme 1758 --- FRE