Author Title Year Country Language
Noverre, Jean Georges The Works of Monsieur Noverre, Translated from the French [1782] 1783 GBR ENG
Lavater, Johann Kaspar Physiognomy; or the Corresponding Analogy between the Conformation of the Features, and the Ruling Passions of the Mind [1800?] GBR ENG
García, Manuel Patricio Rodríguez Garcia's Treatise on the Art of Singing [1924] GBR ENG
Wright, Thomas The Passions of the Minde. By Th. W. 1601 GBR ENG
Bulwer, John Chirologia: or The Naturall Language of the Hand ... Whereunto is added, Chironomia: Or, the Art of Manual Rethoricke 1644 GBR ENG
Bulwer, John Pathomyotomia, Or A Dissection of the Significative Muscles of the Affections of the Minde 1649 GBR ENG
Bulwer, John Anthropometamorphosis: Man Transform'd; or, The Artificial Changeling 1650 GBR ENG
Bulwer, John A View of the People of the whole World: or, A Short Survey of their Policies, Dispositions, Naturall Deportments, Complexions, Ancient and Moderne Customes, Manners, Habits and Fashions 1654 GBR ENG
Flecknoe, Richard A Short Discourse of the English Stage 1664 GBR ENG
Le Faucheur, Michel An Essay upon the Action of an Orator; as to his Pronunciation and Gesture 1680? GBR ENG
Aubignac, François Hédelin; abbé d' The Whole Art of the Stage 1684 GBR ENG
Wright, James Historia Histrionica: An Historical Account of the English Stage 1699 GBR ENG
Le Brun, Charles The Conference of Monsieur Le Brun, Chief Painter to the French King, Chancellor and Director of the Academy of Painting and Sculpture; Upon Expression, General and Particular 1701 GBR ENG
Weaver, John Orchesography, or The Art of Dancing 1706 GBR ENG
Feuillet, Raoul-Auger The Art of Dancing: demonstrated by Characters and Figures 1706 GBR ENG
Weaver, John A Small Treatise of Time and Cadence in Dancing 1706 GBR ENG
Downes, John Roscius Anglicanus, or An Historical Review of the Stage 1708 GBR ENG
Gildon, Charles The Life of Mr. Thomas Betterton 1710 GBR ENG
Weaver, John An Essay Towards an History of Dancing 1712 GBR ENG
Weaver, John Anatomical and Mechanical Lectures upon Dancing 1721 GBR ENG
Le Faucheur, Michel The Art of Speaking in Publick: or An Essay on the Action of an Orator 1727 GBR ENG
Rameau, Pierre The Dancing-Master: Or, The Art of Dancing Explained. Wherein the Manner of Performing all Steps in Ball Dancing is made easy by a new and familiar Method 1728 GBR ENG
Weaver, John The History of the Mimes and Pantomimes, with An Historical Account of several Performers in Dancing, living in the Time of the Roman Emperors 1728 GBR ENG
Essay on the Action of the Stage particularly that of Mr. Wilks 1733 GBR ENG
Le Brun, Charles A Method to learn to Design the Passions, Proposed in a Conference on their General and Particular Expression 1734 GBR ENG
Cibber, Colley An Apology for the Life of Mr. Colley Cibber 1740 [7 aprile] GBR ENG
[Betterton, Thomas] The History of the English Stage, from the Restauration to the Present Time. Including the Lives, Characters and Amours, of the most eminent Actors and Actresses 1741 GBR ENG
Riccoboni, Luigi An Historical and Critical Account of the Theatres in Europe 1741 GBR ENG
Riccoboni, Luigi Reflections upon Declamation; or, The Art of Speaking in Publick 1741 GBR ENG
Oldys, William , Manfredi, Gianvito The History of the English Stage, from the Restauration to the Present Time. Including the Lives, Characters and Amours, of the most eminent Actors and Actresses 1741 GBR ENG